The Influence of Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) on Students Learning Performance in Physical Education

Published 12/30/2023
- computer-aided,
- instruction,
- interactive simulations,
- adaptive learning pathways,
- interactive learning environment
- multimodal learning experience,
- real-world applications,
- gamification ...More
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This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the influence of Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) on student learning and performance in college physical education. Analyzing cognitive understanding, knowledge retention, skill development, engagement, and adaptability, the study identified specific components of CAI affecting outcomes. Challenges faced by teachers during CAI integration were explored, and a strategic plan for effective implementation was proposed. The research employed a quantitative descriptive design, focusing on Shijiazhuang Information Engineering Vocational College with 669 student respondents.
It was found that learners and teachers expressed satisfaction with CAI's adaptive learning pathways, interactive simulations, and progress tracking, indicating its value in enhancing the learning experience, CAI in Physical Education was well-received, demonstrating effectiveness in providing an engaging and enriching educational approach, the integration of CAI positively impacted cognitive understanding, memory retention, and bridging theoretical and practical knowledge in physical education, challenges included limited technical proficiency, insufficient training, access to reliable technology, time constraints, and content customization difficulties, learners coped by seeking assistance, independent exploration, using online resources, adapting learning strategies, and engaging in collaborative work and a proposed course of action addressed challenges through targeted workshops, comprehensive training, infrastructure upgrades, flexible scheduling, and adaptive content development.
CAI significantly influences physical education learning, with positive outcomes in engagement, understanding, and performance. Challenges identified underscore the need for tailored interventions. The proposed strategies offer a comprehensive plan for effective CAI utilization, fostering a supportive and technologically equipped learning environment.
In conclusion, Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) significantly influences physical education learning, yielding positive outcomes in engagement, understanding, and performance; the identified challenges underscore the imperative for tailored interventions, and the proposed strategies offer a comprehensive plan for effective CAI utilization, fostering a supportive and technologically equipped learning environment; therefore, educational institutions should implement targeted interventions to enhance CAI integration, teaching faculty should adapt teaching strategies and undergo continuous professional development, IT departments should guide infrastructure upgrades and support initiatives for a reliable technological environment, students should actively engage in seeking assistance, independent exploration, and utilizing online resources, and future researchers should build on identified challenges and coping strategies to explore emerging technologies and assess long-term impacts of CAI in educational settings.
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