Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Social Capital's Mediation in Compensation Workers' Financial to Personal Well-being in CALABARZON, Philippines

Leo Manansala
De La Salle University-Dasmarinas
Maria Rosan Bernardo
De La Salle University-Dasmarinas
Edwin Valeroso
Graduate Studies in Business, De La Salle University- Dasmarinas

Published 12/30/2023


  • compensation workers,
  • financial wellbeing,
  • personal wellbeing,
  • social capital

How to Cite

Manansala, L., Bernardo, M. R., & Valeroso, E. (2023). Social Capital’s Mediation in Compensation Workers’ Financial to Personal Well-being in CALABARZON, Philippines. The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.60008/thequest.v2i2.122


Growing concerns over personal financial vulnerability have prompted developed nations to enhance financial well-being, a crucial aspect linked to overall individual welfare. This research focuses on evaluating the interplay between financial well-being (FWB) and personal well-being (PWB) among workers in the Philippines, while also examining the impact of social capital (SC) on this relationship. Collecting 196 responses from CALABARZON compensation workers through standardized questionnaires, the study addresses limitations in prior research. Employing PLS-SEM analysis, the findings reveal moderate FWB and SC scores with a high level of PWB. Validating well-being and social capital theories, the study identifies a positive correlation between FWB and PWB, and a significant effect of FWB on SC. However, mediation analysis suggests that SC only partially complements the FWB-PWB relationship, hinting at potential mediators beyond SC. This comprehensive model not only provides enhanced insights into employees' well-being but also aids in identifying those in need of assistance, determining training or intervention needs, and evaluating treatment outcomes. Crucially, it emphasizes that improving FWB doesn't necessarily result in significant economic costs for employers.

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