HighDro: An Intelligent Asset and Pressure Management Application for Local Water Utilities using GIS

Published 03/28/2024
- Asset Management,
- Decision-Support,
- Geographic Information System,
- Local Water Utility,
- Pressure Monitoring
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The study aimed to create a secure application for a local water utility, addressing asset management and pressure monitoring in the district meter area. The Intelligent Asset and Pressure Management Application, developed through Agile Model Phases, served as a tool for employees to monitor assets, report leaks, and make informed decisions. Quality assessment and acceptability determination employed ISO/IEC 25010 criteria, using questionnaire and interview techniques with IT experts and utility employees as respondents, chosen through purposive sampling. Results indicated alignment with ISO 25010 Software Product Quality Standards, covering functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability. The application proved highly effective in the water utility, excelling in asset and leak management, pressure monitoring, and decision-support modules, according to study respondents.
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