Development and Optimization of an IPC2581A Format Parser for KICAD: Streamlining PCB Design Data Exchange and Communication

Published 03/28/2024
- Electronic Design Automation,
- Format Parser,
- IPC2581,
- KiCad,
- Printed Circuit Board
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Based on Kicad software platform, this study developed an IPC2581 file format parser for PCB layout. Through the parser, the circuit layout tool designed by any other third-party EDA design tool generated IPC software generated circuit board formatter file can be converted to KiCad format, to achieve the compatibility between different software. The parser has the characteristics of high efficiency and accuracy, which can quickly analyze large-scale complex circuit board designs and generate corresponding KiCaD file format. In the experiment, we have tested several circuit boards, and the results show that the analyzer has good stability and reliability. Through this research, we provide a convenient file format conversion tool for the field of circuit board design, which is helpful to improve the efficiency and quality of circuit board design
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