PUCPEI Asset Management of SCMZ University: Basis for Enhanced Action Plan

Published 12/30/2023
- Check; Controlling; Operation; Renewal; Value Maximization
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Fixed assets ensured the stable and orderly progress of colleges and universities. In the current landscape of university asset management, issues such as redundant acquisitions and underutilization became increasingly prevalent. Consequently, efficient stock management and rigorous control of asset increments became imperative. The primary objective was to bolster fixed asset management, striving to achieve the most economical and efficient utilization of funds. The study critically evaluated the asset inventory and utilization at Sichuan Minzu University through a combined approach of literature review and questionnaire surveys, pinpointing inefficiencies in asset management practices. Introducing the "PUCPEI" framework—plan, use, check, process, evaluate, and improve—it provided a holistic model for effective fixed asset management in higher education, backed by innovative strategies. Through detailed analysis and evaluation of the PUCPEI model, the research unveiled issues at different stages and proposed strategic improvements. The findings offered valuable insights and clear direction for refining asset management processes, aiming to boost efficiency, quality, and overall organizational effectiveness. Overall, the study advanced the development of effective management practices and brought new research perspectives and innovations to the field of asset management. It not only provided a valuable resource for academics but also laid the foundation for achieving more excellent and efficient asset management practices.
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