Development and Validation of a Test Instrument in Assessing the Content Knowledge of Grade 3 Teachers in Science

Published 06/30/2024
- Assessment; Content Knowledge,
- Grade 3 Teachers,
- Science,
- Test Instrument
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Abstract. One of the important aspects, apart from the learning environment and teaching and learning resources, is the quality of our teachers. The teachers are the drivers of the curriculum in the classroom. This study aimed at developing and validating a test instrument for assessing the content knowledge of 27 elementary science teachers in Grade 3 Science. Findings revealed that all indicators relative to the characteristics of the assessment tool are highly evident with a weighted mean of 3.87 based on the results of the validation. The assessment tool can be used to effectively assess the science teachers’ content knowledge in Grade 3 science. Moreover, Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.73 for the test items based on the results of the evaluation of the content experts imply that the assessment tool is acceptable in terms of internal consistency. The mean of the content knowledge test scores of 44.07 out of a possible 58 and the item and scale analyses as well as validity checks indicate that the final version of the content knowledge test questionnaire is a good instrument to measure the content knowledge of Grade 3 science teachers. A consistent level of test difficulty and discrimination indices were evident, and the results provided varied points in terms of the interpretation of the test items. The number of retained items and modified or revised items supports the validity and reliability of the test instrument in general.
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