Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Industry Feedback on the Work performance of NEUST Advance Higher Education Graduates

Manuela P. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
The Quest Vol1 No1

Published 08/23/2022


  • Industry Feedback,
  • Quality Education,
  • Advance Higher Education

How to Cite

Gutierrez, M. (2022). Industry Feedback on the Work performance of NEUST Advance Higher Education Graduates. The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.60008/thequest.v1i1.2


An academic institution may have a splendid statement of vision and mission, may have the best curriculum, may have offered the best laboratory, library, and student services as well as may have state of the art facilities and equipment; but still, how their graduates perform outside the school particularly at work shall be the ultimate measure of the quality of education that the school provides.
NEUST is one University with a very noble vision and mission. It continuously seeks to improve its operations, processes, and procedures to ensure that it will surely realize its vision and mission. It has even gone as far as forming local and international linkages, venturing into researches, sending faculty to scholarship and training, curriculum revision, and so forth. Indeed, it seems that the only thing yet left for it to do is determine how the graduates perform outside the school, particularly at work. However, such cannot be determined unless a study is made. It is for this reason that this tracer study is conducted.

This is a simple descriptive survey facilitated by the internet's social networking services. Sources of data were 35 industry heads purposively chosen based on having employees who graduated from the NEUST Graduate School and their willingness to participate as respondents in this research undertaking.