Master of Education Management of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology: A Tracer Study

Published 01/10/2022
- Master of Education Management,
- Department of Education,
- system of Promotion,
- tracer study
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This study evaluated the whereabouts of the graduates, especially their status after graduating the degree Master of Education Management. It also aimed to determine their work category and Promotion if there is any. The graduates of the Academic year 2013 – 2014 to Academic Year 2019 – 2020 were the subject of the study. They were given survey questionnaire to determine their profile as well as employment and Promotion.The findings of the study show that there was a slight difference of graduates, with second semester having a slight greater than the first semester and that there were more female respondents than male. It is not surprising to know that the graduates of this program belonged to public school under the Department of Education (DepEd). The graduates were employed due to the fact they were already working prior to their enrollment in the MEM. Two respondents were employed in the Philippine Army who were assigned in the Training and Doctrine Command.It was observed that the respondent-graduates after the interview were former teachers of various private basic education schools who preferred employment in the public school due to higher salary and that there is a system of Promotion that is regularly observed. The Program's existence was productive in view of the fact that it helps promote career development to academic personnel from various institution or agency that is mostly observed in the public sector.With the advent of education transformation, it is recommended that the current MEM, being dynamic, has to be evaluated for possible amendments [inclusions] in terms of IP curriculum, K-12 education, and other related topics as required by the Commission on Higher Education.
The Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) started in June, 1908 as a vocational course at the Wright Institute in San Isidro, Nueva Ecija where young Filipinos were trained in woodworking and basic telegraphy. Said vocational course lasted until SY 1927-1928 when the general secondary school was transferred to Cabanatuan City. However, on June 9, 1929, the school continued its operation in San Isidro, under a new name, Nueva Ecija Trade School (NETS) with woodworking as the vocational course offered in addition to the existing secondary curriculum inherited from the Wright Institute. On May 8, 1953, the NETS was converted into the Central Luzon School of Arts and Trades (CLSAT) by virtue of Republic Act No. 845. CLSAT was recognized as a center of manpower/vocational training for both youths and adults not only in the province but also in the whole Region III. Series of developments continued until the CLSAT was converted into the Central Luzon Polytechnic College (CLPC) by virtue of Republic Act No. 3998 which was signed on June 18, 1964 by then President Diosdado Macapagal. Thirty-four years later, the CLPC, under the leadership of President Gemiliano C. Calling, was converted into a specialized university, the NEUST by virtue of Republic Act. No 8612 on March 27, 1998 (NEUST, 2020).
The University have six (6) campuses of which its main campus is in Cabanatuan City. The University offers a wide variety of degree programs that enables it to fulfill its vision and mission of being a locally responsive and internationally relevant and recognized University of Science and Technology while developing new knowledge and technologies and transforming resources into productive citizenry to bring about development impact to local and international communities (NEUST, 2019). The University offers graduate degrees in Business Administration, Education Management, Engineering Management, English Language Education, Information Technology, Public Administration, and Teaching.
For more than a decade of offering Master in Education Management (MEM) program the researcher seeks to determine the current location or status of its graduates in terms of employment in order to identify whether or not the Program has contributed to the career of its graduates. According to Orejana and Resurreccion (2010), the alumni are considered as the best evidence of a program's effectiveness in terms of employment and positions held. Moreover, they are a good source of feedback regarding the program's relevance in the current labor market. Palmiano (2019) emphasized that tracer study provides the desirable information as to the graduates' career after graduation and as to what is happening to them when they join the world of work. It is equally important to find out how effective and adequate were the trainings provided by an institution in the enhancement of their skills and competencies in the development of their work-related values to their present job. Similarly, Schomburg (2003) mentioned that tracer study constitutes one form of empirical study which provides valuable information for evaluating the results of the education and training of a specific institution of higher education. This information may be used for further development of the institution in the context of quality assurance. Hazaymeh and Dela Peña (n.d.) also said that a tracer study enables the institution of higher education to get information on possible deficits in a given educational programme which can serve as a basis for curricular improvement. Correspondingly, this research is conducted for the purpose of identifying the employment status of MEM graduates as well as possibly evaluate how the curriculum of the Program complements with the target clienteles. Hence, the following are the specific problems, to wit:
- What is the profile of the respondents in terms of Group Year Graduated, Sex, Work Category?
- What is the current status of the respondents in terms of Employment and Promotion?
The study is focused only to MEM Graduates from Academic Years 2013-2014 to 2019 to 2020. The purpose of the study is to determine the current status of MEM graduates in order to established a simple data about them as respondents. The research is conducted from June to July 2020.