Students’ Survival Rate at the Master of Science in Information Technology of NEUST

Published 08/28/2022
- survival rate,
- survival trend,
- Cohort’s computations,
How to Cite
This study is a brief analysis of the survival rate of students taking up MSIT from NEUST Graduate School. This was conducted in August 2020 to determine students’ survival trend while at the same time probing on the possible factors underlying such trend as basis for planning.
Specifically, this was conducted to determine 1) the survival trend of students enrolled in the program, and 2) the reasons behind the trend, as well as to identify appropriate course of action that may be recommended based on the results of the analysis.
Survival rate was computed based on Cohort’s computations, which is T1 over T2 multiplied by 100 while the data for the second objective were taken from the participants responses to the question “Why did you not continue your MSIT studies”.
Participants in the study were students enrolled for the first time in the program from 2015 to 2019. They were purposively chosen on the basis of their not continuing their MSIT course. Out of the target 175 students, only 70 or 40% responded to the e-mailed interview question. This 70 officially became the respondents of the study.