Alignment of Alternative Delivery Modes of Learning for Graduate School Students: Based on Learner Internet Connectivity and Access to Devices

Published 08/25/2022
- Face-to-Face,
- Remote Teaching and Learning,
- Alternative Delivery Modes,
- Internet Connectivity,
- Access to Devices
How to Cite
This preliminary study aimed to characterize the profile of the graduate school students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology based on access to educational devices and internet connectivity. These were used as a basis for determining the appropriate alternative mode of delivery of education for graduate school students. Descriptive design was utilized with frequency and percentage as descriptive tools. The participants were 847 students from the different programs of the Graduate School and a survey instrument was administered through social media and google form platforms. Results showed that majority of the graduate students have access to educational devices, however, they only had weak internet access. Based on these characteristics, Blended Teaching and Learning, specifically Face-to-Face (F2F) and Remote Teaching and Learning (RTL) through a combination of offline and online instructional materials and asynchronous and synchronous learning activities can be prescribed. However, when broken down per program, it was found that majority of the students under the Doctor of Education-Major in Industrial-Technological Education, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Management, Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration, and Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration programs have full internet access and access to educational devices, which would suggest that Blended Learning and Teaching using F2F + RTL (Online Synchronous Activities) model will be appropriate. Additionally, students enrolled under the remaining programs of Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education, Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education, Master of Science in Information Technology, Master of Arts in English-Major in Applied Linguistics, Master of Arts in Teaching-Major in Vocational-Technological Education, Master of Arts in Teaching-Major in Physics, Master of Arts in Teaching-Major in Science, Master of Arts in Teaching-Major in Mathematics, Master of Engineering Management, Master of Education Management, Master of Public Administration, and Master of Business Administration programs, the majority have a weak internet connection but have access to educational devices which means that Face-to-Face (F2F) and Remote Teaching and Learning (RTL) may be recommended for use.