Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

SK Reform Law of 2015: Perspectives of Sangguniang Kabataan in Cabanatuan City, Philippines

Mayya Donna Navarro
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Vilma Ramos
Nueva Ecija University Of Science and Technology
Rosemarie Casimiro
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Eminiano Manuzon
College of Public Administration and Disaster Management, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Published 06/27/2023


  • Duties and functions,
  • Leadership,
  • SK Reform Law,
  • Youth participation

How to Cite

Navarro, M. D., Ramos, V., Casimiro, R., & Manuzon, E. (2023). SK Reform Law of 2015: Perspectives of Sangguniang Kabataan in Cabanatuan City, Philippines. The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.60008/thequest.v2i1.68


As of 2021, the International Monetary Fund ranked the Philippines as the 27th largest economy in the world based on nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the 10th largest economy in Asia. As a result, the nation has complete faith in the leadership abilities of its youth and is committed to promoting the common welfare. The study is a welcome addition to the relevant literature because it determined the SK Chaipersons' knowledge of and compliance with the 2015 SK Reform Law (Republic Act No. 10742). The fact that the majority of SK Chairpersons in Cabanatuan City was aware of the 2015 SK Reform Law is an encouraging sign that the elected youth in Cabanatuan City is responsible and accountable in their position as SK Chairperson. The awareness of the SK Chairperson plays a vital role in our society and can encourage youth participation in activities. Yet, there is still a need to further develop the technical skills of the youth so that they can perform their duties effectively.

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