An Instructional Module in Animation for Senior High School Students in Nueva Ecija

Published 08/15/2022
- Education,
- Instructional Module,
- Senior High School Students,
- Teachers,
- Animation
How to Cite
This study aimed to develop an Instructional Module in Animation for Senior High School Students in Nueva Ecija to aid senior high school students taking the Animation course and teachers with the same discipline. Due to the growth of Animation industry and the newly implemented Animation course in the K to 12 curriculums, the researchers aimed to fill the gap between the demand in entering the course and the instructional materials to help the students who are in this program. The researchers utilized the Input-Process-Output model in developing the module. Specifically, the researchers described the developed module under the following factors: Analysis, Design and Development. Furthermore, they sought the help of thirteen (13) respondents to validate and evaluate the overall acceptability of the developed module in terms of Objectives, Content, Format and Language, Presentation and Usefulness. Moreover, they tested if there were differences among experts’ and teachers’ evaluation. Design and Development method of research was utilized in making this research and expert purposive sampling was used to identify the respondents. Results showed that majority of the respondents strongly agreed that the Objectives, Content, Format and Language, Presentation and Usefulness of the module were highly acceptable. However, there was a significant difference between the evaluation of the teacher and industry expert respondents. In conclusion, the module developed was highly acceptable but the researchers recommended the updating the module once in a while.