E-Module in Teaching Statistical Methods: An Asynchronous and Synchronous Delivery Mode Under the New Normal

Published 06/30/2023
- Office Mix; E-module; Statistics; Asynchronous; Synchronous;
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The study entitled E-module in teaching statistical methods: an asynchronous and synchronous delivery mode under new normal focused on the development and assessment of the e-module created using office mix. The e-module was developed with powerpoint presentation for each of the eight (8) lessons in statistics having audio or video explanation of the topics per slide exported as video presentation were shared by the researcher to the mathematics experts, IT experts and students for evaluation. The research adopted the ADDIE model from the analysis of the students that led in realizing the study up to the implementation and evaluation. Each of the lessons in the e-module was designed and developed based on the needs of the students.
The research findings of the mathematics experts, IT experts, and students favored the e-module as it was proven very acceptable and therefore highly recommended for use. In terms of the objectives, content, motivational or review activities, delivery of instruction, and formative assessment exercises evaluated by the mathematics experts, the grand mean was 3.62 indicating the e-module was really having acceptable standards. While the evaluation of the ICT experts revealed a grand mean of 3.77 indicating that the content, layout, design, usability and quality of the e-module are very acceptable and highly recommended for use. The students’ evaluation obtained a grand mean of 3.74 numerical description and interpretation that the content, layout, delivery of instruction, instructional use, and formative assessment exercises are also very acceptable and highly recommended for use. The evaluation of the students also resulted to the positive feedback while exploring and using the e-module that provided them with notable experiences about the office mix.
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