Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Development and Assessment of Static Website for Digital Media Production

Jomar Aquino
Zaragoza National High School
Jet Aquino
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Billie Jack Pasion
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Published 01/19/2023


  • Digital Media Production,
  • ICT,
  • Static Website

How to Cite

Aquino, J., Aquino, J., & Pasion, B. J. (2023). Development and Assessment of Static Website for Digital Media Production. The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.60008/thequest.v1i2.31


Internet education has a long history, and it has been used to learn everything. Since the advent of computers, digital learning has increased in popularity. Interest in online learning for education has also increased, with both teachers and students looking for online activities to supplement existing education. The  “Development and Assessment of Static Website for Digital Media Production” is designed for faster, easier and paperless process of teaching students. This study is to promote an exciting approach to SP-ICT students, that ICT Subjects can be fun and interesting, by using an exciting approach that they are all familiar with, “the Internet”, by creating a website containing downloadable digital modules and assessment that are still related to the subjects learning competencies. This study used developmental research and descriptive research as the study conducted gathering of data in order to design and develop system or application and be evaluated by the respondents. Utilization of the developed website for digital media production is found Functional, Reliable, Usable, Efficient, Maintainable and Portable to the IT Professional respondents. In this time of pandemic, majority of the students prefer using cellphones for distance learning. Utilizing the website will be beneficial to them since it is found Portable, which means the website is accessible anywhere where an internet source is available using different gadgets with browser installed. Schools with SP-ICT in other Congressional District of DepED Nueva Ecija may utilize the website by making the admin multi-user with the permission of the researcher. Also, it was found that the application is Effective, Efficient, Satisfactory, Free from Risk and has sufficient Context Coverage.

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